Archive of Superintendent's Profile Articles
Director of Public Works George J. Mottarella and the City of Rye
Craig Mongeau - July 2005
George J. Mottarella may feel a little like the City of Rye’s ping-pong ball, bouncing back and forth between his responsibilities as its director of public works and city engineer. But George doesn’t mind at all; in fact he relishes being pulled in different directions. ... more on Director of Public Works George J. Mottarella and the City of Rye
Craig Mongeau - June 2005
With apologies to Bills, Jets and Giants fans, the New England Patriots have come to represent what is good about sports with their unrelenting commitment to teamwork, loyalty and sacrifice of individual goals for the betterment of the team. ... more on June 2005
Superintendent of Highways Frank Gavin and the Town of Niskayuna
Mary Yamin-Garone - June 2005
When you think of Frank Gavin, think big!He is a big man whose presence fills up a room. He sits in a big office, behind a big desk. He is a big Buffalo Bills fan and he has a big job overseeing the Town of Niskayuna’s highway and parks departments. ... more on Superintendent of Highways Frank Gavin and the Town of Niskayuna
Craig Mongeau - May 2005
Jack Messore, commissioner of public works of the City of Mechanicville, recently had a day on the job he’ll never forget — even if he can’t remember the worst part of it. On Tuesday, March 29, at about 10 a.m., Messore, 57, was trying to clear debris from a culvert in the rain-swollen Anthony Kill, which runs through Mechanicville. ... more on May 2005
Highway Superintendent Kenneth J. Tymecki and the Village of Floral Park
Craig Mongeau - May 2005
Kenneth “Ken” J. Tymecki can thank his mother for the position he now holds as Superintendent of Public Works for the Village of Floral Park in Nassau County. Ken moved to Floral Park from nearby Jamaica, Queens, on his 18th birthday in 1973, he applied for a job at the Department of Public Works in 1974. ... more on Highway Superintendent Kenneth J. Tymecki and the Village of Floral Park
Craig Mongeau - April 2005
If you’ve never had the chance or the inclination to attend a ConExpo-Con/AGG, you should definitely consider going to the next one in 2008. Fortunately, I finally overcame my dread of flying and made my way out to Las Vegas for the recent ConExpo held March 15 to 18. ... more on April 2005
Superintendent of Highways Dave Goodwin and the Town of Clarkson
Laurie Mercer - April 2005
It probably helps to grow up in a family where middle-of-the-nighttime phone calls heralding disasters including broken water lines, power outages, slippery roads, noxious weeds, crumpled mailboxes and other disasters are common occurrences. ... more on Superintendent of Highways Dave Goodwin and the Town of Clarkson
Craig Mongeau - March 2005
It’s hard to believe that 25 years ago the tiny village of Lake Placid swelled with people from around the world for the XIII Winter Games. Of course the enduring memories from these games are not of the transportation problems, complaints from the athletes about the Olympic village and, of all things, the lack of snow for those two weeks in February 1980. ... more on March 2005
Highway Superintendent Elwin J. Fisher and the Town of West Monroe
Jeff Cronin - March 2005
With retirement comes nostalgia. But that’s not a new emotion for Elwin Fisher, the superintendent of Highways of the Town of West Monroe, a tiny bedroom community of approximately 6,800 people. As the West Monroe native wraps up his 27th year on the job, Fisher, 63, looks forward to traveling with his wife of 38 years, Joyce. ... more on Highway Superintendent Elwin J. Fisher and the Town of West Monroe
Craig Mongeau - January 2005
We at Profile hope all of you have had a happy and healthy holiday season. As yet another New Year arrives (thankfully) so do the annual commitments to change called resolutions. Though often much more fleeting than permanent, these promises to ourselves or to our family and friends, if not successful, at the very least offer a glimpse of what we'd like to be in the future or how we want to be better in some way than we were in the past – in short, resolutions are products of wisdom. ... more on January 2005
Superintendent of Highways Ken Holmes and the Town of Schodack
Mary Yamin-Garone - January 2005
Ken Holmes does not profess to be a “military man.” However, the influences his 23 years with the United States Air Force have made on how he performs his job as highway superintendent of the Town of Schodack in New York State’s Rensselaer County, are ever-present. ... more on Superintendent of Highways Ken Holmes and the Town of Schodack
Craig Mongeau - December 2004
To reduce traffic congestion on local streets, this year I decided to do my holiday shopping on the Information Superhighway, figuring that my monthly investment in broadband would be much cheaper than what I’d spend in gas and aggravation on the roads and in the malls. ... more on December 2004
Superintendent of Highways Don Wood and the Town of Seneca Falls
Laurie Mercer - December 2004
Anybody who enjoys older movies has probably seen director Frank Capra’s 1946 classic film “It’s a Wonderful Life” starring Jimmy Stewart — a man who finds out, just in the nick of time, what life is all about. ... more on Superintendent of Highways Don Wood and the Town of Seneca Falls
Craig Mongeau - November 2004
We at Profile would like to express our gratitude to everyone who exhibited and attended the 10th Annual NYS Highway & Public Works Expo on Oct. 13 at the Verizon Center of Progress building at the Fairgrounds. ... more on November 2004
Director of Public Works Greg Emerson and the Village of Honeoye Falls
Profile Staff - November 2004
Gregory Emerson is an unusual man with the unusual dual responsibilities of superintendent of Public Works and Village administrator. It is unheard of that the same person would fill these positions, and because of his dual roles, Emerson also is responsible for overseeing the fire department, ambulance corps, code enforcement and Village planning and zoning. ... more on Director of Public Works Greg Emerson and the Village of Honeoye Falls
Craig Mongeau - October 2004
I recently attended the Utility and Transportation Contractors Association convention in Atlantic City, where besides the usual vendor exhibits, presentations of awards and other such show staples, a luncheon was held during which NYFD Battalion Chief Richard “Pitch” Picciotto delivered the keynote address. ... more on October 2004
Director of Public Works Robert Mangan and the Village of Garden City
Jennifer Conway - October 2004
The Village of Garden City’s name is reflected in its streets, which are neatly lined in purple, red and yellow flowers and covered by a canopy of trees. Along Franklin Avenue (what some call the 5th Avenue of Long Island), the street lamps complement the park benches and storefront awnings; the sidewalk flower boxes coordinate with the plants located in the public sitting areas. ... more on Director of Public Works Robert Mangan and the Village of Garden City
Craig Mongeau - September 2004
What will you be doing when you’re 82 years old? When I pretend for a moment that I’m that age, it’s hard for me to imagine what I’ll be doing (though I am fairly confident I won’t be writing this column). ... more on September 2004
Superintendent of Highways James Brady and the Wayne County Highway Department
Mary Yamin-Garone - September 2004
For Wayne County Highway Superintendent James Brady a job well done is reward enough for his toil. Whether it is opening a new bridge, completing a project on time, or honoring an employee with a promotion, those are the best days on the job for this county resident of 43 years. ... more on Superintendent of Highways James Brady and the Wayne County Highway Department
Craig Mongeau - August 2004
I don’t know about you, but I swear the older I get the faster time seems to go by. It doesn’t feel like we should be only two months away from another N.Y.S. Highway Public Works Expo, yet preparations for the 10th annual show have been under way for months and as of press time, only limited exhibit space remains. ... more on August 2004
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