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Highway Superintendent Dan Baker and the Town of Coeymans

Some days, his crew gives him a hard time for taking phone calls when there's work to be done, but Dan Baker, highway superintendent of the town of Coeymans, firmly believes in serving the local residents, and that includes communicating with them — listening to their needs, their praise, their gratitude, and, at times, their complaints. Click for more...

Highway Superintendent Alan VanWormer and the Town of New Baltimore

As part of a family known for its history of community service, there's little surprise that Alan VanWormer ran for highway superintendent in his hometown of New Baltimore in 2019. Click for more...

Highway Superintendent Shawn Keeler and the Town of Putnam Valley

It doesn't take long to realize Shawn Keeler is the right man for the job. Comfortable in his own skin, he exudes confidence as he tells of his journey to become highway superintendent. Click for more...

Highway Superintendent Stephen Van Tassel and the Town of Canaan

Elected to office when he was just 24 years old, Stephen Van Tassel is New York State's youngest elected highway superintendent. While he views that fact as both an advantage and a challenge, it's clear that he brings a fresh perspective to the position. Click for more...

Highway Superintendent Andrew Busa and the Town of Sullivan

"I'm not scared to try things," said Andrew (Andy) J. Busa, highway superintendent since 2017 of the town of Sullivan, located in Madison County. "It's a little intimidating sometimes, but I love the challenge." Tackling challenges often saves the town money. Click for more...