Archive of Superintendent's Profile Articles
Craig Mongeau - August 2013
First, a reminder that the N.Y.S. Highway & Public Works Expo is fast approaching. To be held once again in Syracuse, this year’s show is slated for Wednesday, Oct. 16. Look in the next issue for more details. ... more on August 2013
Highway Superintendent Gene Dinsmore and the Town of Lysander
Laurie Mercer - PROFILE CORRESPONDENT - July 2013
“I love my Rolodex,” said Gene Dinsmore in his tidy office, a former utilities building in Lysander, which is about 10 miles northwest of Syracuse. He is a little bit sheepish about the once traditional way of keeping in touch with people and their phone numbers with note cards mounted on a cylindrical device. ... more on Highway Superintendent Gene Dinsmore and the Town of Lysander
Craig Mongeau - July 2013
After reading that this month’s Profile, Gene Dinsmore of the town of Lysander, still loves using his Rolodex, evidently spurning the more technological methods of keeping track of all his contacts, I felt that it was as if he spoke to a sizable and mostly silent group of folks out here who wonder if technology really makes our lives, personal and professional, easier. ... more on July 2013
Craig Mongeau - June 2013
The recent catastrophic F5 tornado that devastated Moore, Okla., is yet another tragedy that should inspire us to ask the question, “What can we do to prevent something like this from ever happening again?”We ask ourselves this question all the time when human lives are lost. ... more on June 2013
Superintendent of Public Works Brian Clancy and the Village of Cooperstown
Profile Staff - June 2013
Cooperstown is as American as apple pie. Best known as the birthplace of baseball and home to the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum since 1939 –- the country’s first sports hall of fame -– the historic village located on the banks of Otsego Lake in the south-central county of the same name has many claims to fame, many of which attract throngs of tourists every summer. ... more on Superintendent of Public Works Brian Clancy and the Village of Cooperstown
Craig Mongeau - May 2013
The Boston Marathon bombings this past month proved that the only result terrorists should expect to achieve is that whatever catastrophe they decide to create will only bring a city and Americans together — something that isn’t easy to accomplish these days. ... more on May 2013
Highway Superintendent Joe Herbst and the Town of Webster
Laurie Mercer - May 2013
Even in this age of instantaneous communication, even as fiberoptic rings embrace the Webster highway garage hooking into the communication pulse of the town’s fire, police, schools, and library, the heartbeat of Webster’s highway operations are stored in a deep, metal file cabinet. ... more on Highway Superintendent Joe Herbst and the Town of Webster
Craig Mongeau - April 2013
With so many responsibilities with roads, bridges, drainage, plowing and more, the recent tragedy in Hillsborough County in Florida and the near tragedy on a golf course in Illinois are terrible reminders of yet another thing to worry about — sinkholes. ... more on April 2013
Highway Superintendent David Gunner and the Town of Aurora
Laurie Mercer - April 2013
Not every highway superintendent gets involved in a media bash in the Buffalo newspapers because he oiled and stoned the 1.5-mile boulevard in Crestwood, home of many Buffalo Bills (the real ones, not the fans). ... more on Highway Superintendent David Gunner and the Town of Aurora
Craig Mongeau - March 2013
President Barack Obama’s “Fix It First” program, announced at his State of the Union Address Feb. 12, would be an important step in bringing this country’s infrastructure back from the brink. After all, the first step in resolving a problem is admitting you have one. ... more on March 2013
City Engineer and DPW Superintendent William J. Gray and the City of Ithaca
Laurie Mercer - March 2013
By the time you read this article Bill Gray will have begun his first phase of retirement from a job that for the past 25 years meant directing the city of Ithaca’s many departments consisting of the city’s department of public works. ... more on City Engineer and DPW Superintendent William J. Gray and the City of Ithaca
Craig Mongeau - January 2013
I’ve thought a lot about whether or not I would mention the Newtown tragedy in this column. After all, by the time you read this, we all will have seen weeks of incessant media coverage of it and, eventually, other things will have happened to push this farther back in the papers or deeper in the Web. ... more on January 2013
Highway Superintendent Don Divens and the Town of Hornby
Laurie Mercer - January 2013
If you have never heard of Steuben County’s town of Hornby, you are not alone. The tiny town without a store or gas station is gently tucked away into wooded hills. Hornby is not really on the way to anywhere. ... more on Highway Superintendent Don Divens and the Town of Hornby
Craig Mongeau - December 2012
The so-called “fiscal cliff” is approaching. Though I have no inside information on the talks between congress and the president, I nonetheless sense a kicking the can down the road solution to temporarily avoid an across-the-board tax hike and severe budget cuts that even both democrats and republicans agree are unacceptable. ... more on December 2012
Highway Superintendent Thomas Best and the Town of Hamburg
Laurie Mercer - December 2012
You can talk about the condition of the roads (which is excellent by the way) all you want to with Tom Best, the town’s highway superintendent, but don’t even hint that the hamburger probably wasn’t invented there. ... more on Highway Superintendent Thomas Best and the Town of Hamburg
Craig Mongeau - November 2012
Thank you very much for attending and exhibiting at last month’s N.Y.S. Highway and Public Works Expo in Syracuse. It’s not easy setting up a show like this, especially for exhibitors who have to lug all their stuff to the Fairgrounds. ... more on November 2012
Highway Superintendent Peter Harris and the Town of Southold
Profile Staff - November 2012
In 1972, a young Peter Harris spent the summer working for the town of Southold. At the end of the summer when he went to the office of Highway Superintendent Raymond Dean to thank him for the opportunity, he was asked how he liked working for the town and what his career plans were. ... more on Highway Superintendent Peter Harris and the Town of Southold
Craig Mongeau - October 2012
For the first time in a long time, the Buffalo Bills appear poised to have a winning season. As of this month’s Profile deadline, the Bills are 2 and 1. Sure, the one loss at this time was a big one to the Jets, but the team has rebounded nicely, looking consistent on both sides of the ball. ... more on October 2012
Superintendent of Highways Dylan Dewert and the Town of Corning
Laurie Mercer - October 2012
They used to call Corning “Crystal City,” because of the Corning Glass Works, which employed much of the town. Dylan Dewert, superintendent, town of Corning is certainly one of them. “My dad was a glass engineer, he fixed all of the machines in his department,” said Dylan, who learned from his father at an early age how to use machinery. ... more on Superintendent of Highways Dylan Dewert and the Town of Corning
Craig Mongeau - September 2012
Prospects for a new Tappan Zee Bridge reached a significant milestone when three key county executives endorsed the plan for the new Hudson River crossing, according to a recent Associated Press storyThe three county executives — Rob Astorino of Westchester, Scott Vanderhoef of Rockland and MaryEllen Odell of Putnam — essentially held veto power over the project as a unanimous vote was required for the plan to move forward. ... more on September 2012
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