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Archive of Superintendent's Profile Articles

Highway Superintendent Thomas (Willie) Reifsteck and the Town of Middlesex

Laurie Mercer - September 2012

While residents number only about 1,000 people, the town of Middlesex residents enjoy a special advantage: luxury homes along several miles of lakeshore on the east side of Canandaigua Lake — possibly the most beautiful of the Finger Lakes — help support the town’s tax base. ... more on Highway Superintendent Thomas (Willie) Reifsteck and the Town of Middlesex

August 2012

Craig Mongeau - August 2012

We finally have some certainty with highway and infrastructure funding in this country. With the passage of the highway funding bill on June 29, which was signed by President Obama on July 6, state departments of transportation across the country now know how much money they can spend on projects — a much needed clarity to help improve our economy and to address our aging infrastructure. ... more on August 2012

Superintendent of Highways Glenn Jorgensen and the Town of Smithtown

Lori Lovely - August 2012

Sidestepping the complex strategy, convoluted slogans and backroom deals of typical political campaigns, Glenn Jorgensen ran for highway superintendent of Smithtown in 2009, on a platform that consisted of one line: “I’m Republican.” That’s all it took to beat the incumbent by a historic margin — that and the 800 signatures he and his wife, Kathleen, had to collect in order to get him on the primary ballot since he wasn’t the party’s nominee. ... more on Superintendent of Highways Glenn Jorgensen and the Town of Smithtown

July 2012

Craig Mongeau - July 2012

A few years ago, I read an article (I forget where) about a poll asking workers what frustrates them the most about their jobs. The survey was taken during the height of the recession. The top response was surprising: you’d think that feeling overworked or being underpaid or feeling nervous about keeping one’s job would have ranked the highest. ... more on July 2012

Highway and Parks Superintendent Ed McLaughlin and the Town of Farmington

Laurie Mercer - July 2012

The number of brand new highway facilities being built has never been robust. Such is not the case in Farmington, just east of Rochester, where a circa 1960 thoroughbred racetrack that expanded into a full-service gambling Racino is funding a brand new highway garage and offices. ... more on Highway and Parks Superintendent Ed McLaughlin and the Town of Farmington

June 2012

Craig Mongeau - June 2012

Early deadlines are frustrating. Right after I wrote my column for last month’s Superintendent’s Profile — the one about early spring and the early onset of insidious allergies — it snows in Upstate New York. ... more on June 2012

Superintendent of Highways Bob Herman and the Town of Niagara

Laurie Mercer - June 2012

Highway Superintendent Bob Herman’s town of Niagara highway barn is just about four to five miles from the famous cataracts that grace the town with one of the great wonders of the world. Like a lot of local folks, Bob and Brenda, his wife, still enjoy a summer evening’s walk along the park’s pathways by the water, taking in the majesty of the American, Horseshoe, and Bridal Veil Falls. ... more on Superintendent of Highways Bob Herman and the Town of Niagara

May 2012

Craig Mongeau - May 2012

Early spring. Hasn’t that been wonderful? We all got a surprise respite from the shivers and the snow; there was less plowing and shoveling, less salt and sand usage. I thought it was great. As I get older the winters feel colder and longer. ... more on May 2012

Chris Young, Superintendent of Highways, Water and Sewer and the Village of Mt. Morris

Laurie Mercer - May 2012

Mt. Morris seems to have more patriotism per square foot than any other village in upstate. You’ll see American flags all up and down Main Street, flags at Veterans Park and at Patriots Park, in the cemetery, and in front of Francis Bellamy’s house. ... more on Chris Young, Superintendent of Highways, Water and Sewer and the Village of Mt. Morris

April 2012

Craig Mongeau - April 2012

The Superintendent’s Profile office was honored recently with a visit from the Road Connection. With stops all across the across the country at KPI-JCI and Astec Mobile Screens dealers, trade shows, and other events, the Road Connection is a nationwide nine-month road tour designed to raise awareness of the need for road and infrastructure funding. ... more on April 2012

Highway Superintendent Charles Meade and the Town of Newark Valley

Laurie Mercer - April 2012

STORYProgram... Don’t Remove !!!------------------------------By Laurie MercerPROFILE CORRESPONDENT“We found that mailbox way down in the middle of the road,” said Chuck Meade, superintendent of the town of Newark Valley, in Tioga County, as he described the town’s second of two monumental floods experienced in 2011. ... more on Highway Superintendent Charles Meade and the Town of Newark Valley

March 2012

Craig Mongeau - March 2012

Supposedly wisdom accompanies aging. Philosophers will say what that really means is that there are just more memories and experiences from which to draw when pondering what life is all about and making decisions — the more things you’ve seen and felt, the more evidence you have to help you decide what is the right thing to do. ... more on March 2012

Highway Superintendent Mike Losa and the Town of Ghent

Mary Yamin-Garone - March 2012

You can tell a lot about a person by their work area. Take town of Ghent Highway Superintendent Mike Losa, for instance. Although he exhibits a pensive demeanor as he is quizzed about his background and his role as highway superintendent, his surroundings show a lighter side. ... more on Highway Superintendent Mike Losa and the Town of Ghent

February 2012

Craig Mongeau - February 2012

By the time you read this, the game of chicken over the payroll tax cut extension between the White House and the two parties in Congress will be over. Are we getting sick of this, yet? Everything, absolutely everything that this Congress and this administration attempt to “resolve” deteriorates into a childish fight. ... more on February 2012

Highway Superintendent Ron Brown and the Town of Hinsdale

Laurie Mercer - February 2012

The town does have its own name on an exit from Route 17, but there’s nothing that says big city around Hinsdale. The lovely valley town is nestled between two busy highways and two active train lines. ... more on Highway Superintendent Ron Brown and the Town of Hinsdale

Retired Superintendent of Highways Bob Ayers and the Town of Avon

Laurie Mercer - December 2011

If you had come looking for the town of Avon’s highway barn several years ago, you’d be directed to a cramped old structure that was so narrow workers had to remove the wings on the plows to park indoors. ... more on Retired Superintendent of Highways Bob Ayers and the Town of Avon

Profile Staff - December 2011

As I get older, everything, except me, seems to be moving faster. Years pass by in an instant. When I was a kid, summer vacation felt like half a year; now a year feels like six months. One day I’m 46 years old, then hurricane-force winds blast in 47. ... more on

December 2011

Craig Mongeau - December 2011

As I get older, everything, except me, seems to be moving faster. Years pass by in an instant. When I was a kid, summer vacation felt like half a year; now a year feels like six months. One day I’m 46 years old, then hurricane-force winds blast in 47. ... more on December 2011

Superintendent of Highways Gael Appler Sr. and the Town of Marlborough

Profile Staff - November 2011

While the 2011 hurricane season was leaving its marks up and down the east coast of the United States, Gael Appler Sr., town of Marlborough superintendent, was remembering another hurricane, in another year. ... more on Superintendent of Highways Gael Appler Sr. and the Town of Marlborough

Profile Staff - November 2011

Sometimes Superintendent Profile deadline falls on a day in proximity, if not the day after, the N.Y.S. Highway & Public Works Expo. Such was the case this year. Look in December’s issue of the magazine for complete coverage of the event. ... more on

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