September 2005
Craig Mongeau - September 2005
The 11th Annual N.Y.S. Highway & Public Works Expo is just a little more than a month away. The Verizon Center of Progress Building on the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse will again play host to the show, which this year will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 19.
Over the years, the Expo has become like a family reunion of sorts, a place where for one day, friends, colleagues, neighboring towns, equipment dealers and of course superintendents all have the opportunity to renew their common bond — the unrelenting concern for New York State’s infrastructure.
In many ways, the N.Y.S. Highway & Public Works Expo has become your show. It’s truly the one place at the one time where you and your crews can take a “day off” and support each other, including all the equipment dealers that work so hard to help provide you with what you need to be even more efficient and productive in your departments. I’ve spoken with many of them and they truly do want to make your jobs easier.
The Expo also is much like a fraternity gathering, really. And coincidentally (I really didn’t plan this … I’m not that good), this month’s profile is on Peter Burke, superintendent of public works of the Village of East Hills. What makes Peter’s story relevant to my point here is that prior to becoming superintendent, he worked as a New York City police officer — a fraternity if there ever was one. When you have a meeting or attend an event, you reaffirm your commitment to each other and to your common goal, just as police organizations do.
This show is your chance to do the same thing, to support the cause so to speak. And the best part of that is the Expo is fun and offers a host of chances to win great door prizes, participate as a team in the Snowplow Roadeo, and check out the latest, greatest in iron.
We all look forward to seeing you there! P