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November 2008

Craig Mongeau - November 2008


Thank you to all who exhibited and attended the very successful N.Y.S. Highway & Public Works Expo held Oct. 15 in Syracuse.

I realize this may sound cliché, but truly, without all of you — advertisers, expo visitors and readers — the show is not possible. We at Profile Publications hope you had as good a time at the expo as we had in presenting it; it’s an event that I look forward to each year. And, of course, thank you to all the exhibitors who sponsored the complimentary lunch and/or donated door prizes. Please see page 54 for show coverage and the list of exhibitors who were involved with both.

Now to shift gears: By the time you read this we will have elected a new president. Some are saying this election is (was) more important than any other one in recent memory. Maybe, but they’ve always been monumental. One thing you won’t see in this publication, though, is an endorsement. My editorial philosophy is (and I’m sure it will remain this way even after I’m not here) that no publication should ever endorse a candidate for office. Newspapers and magazines have been doing this for so long many of us just expect them to do it, not realizing that once a publication makes a stance, it then polarizes a good percentage of their readership and can cast doubt over the fairness of its political coverage. Instead, publications should just provide its readers all sides to every story and have enough respect for its readers to allow them to think for themselves. That’s fair and balanced.

So, in lieu of an endorsement, here’s to hoping whoever won on Nov. 4, that all of us can put aside partisanship and our joy or disappointment over who won or lost. Because in the end, we must strive to surmount this very challenging time together — as Americans. P