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May 2006

Craig Mongeau - May 2006


When I was around 10 years old, like a lot of other kids, I used to collect baseball cards. My collection numbered in the thousands. (If I had known then that someday I would have been able to retire from the sale of them, I’d have kept a closer on eye on my mother, who decided to throw them all away one day.)

Nevertheless, I recall there were always a few cards that, no matter how many packets I bought, I could not get. But then there was always the joy when a friend had several copies of the card you needed and you had several of what he needed, and you could trade.

Today, collecting cards may have gone by the wayside, replaced by endless searches for equipment and/or parts for your fleets.

Awhile back at an APWA equipment show in Oyster Bay, Long Island, a superintendent offered a great idea to our sales representative Kent Hogeboom, “Much of the equipment in a superintendent’s equipment fleet is unique to highway departments,” he said. “When it comes time to replace a piece of equipment very often the best place to find it is another highway department. Superintendent’s Profile should put together a section of your publication to help us move equipment to each other. Something along the lines of a classified section.”

In this issue on page 8, you’ll find the first of what will be a monthly feature in this magazine called, “Superintendents’ Swap Sheet.” This new section, in part, will provide a forum for you to advertise what parts or equipment you have available for sale or trade, and in turn, what you are looking for.

In “Superintendents’ Swap Sheet,” for $45, a superintendent or public works commissioner can advertise any piece of equipment, for sale or for bid, to all the other departments in New York State. All you’ll have to do is take a photo of the equipment you would like to sell with the necessary details.

If you are looking for a particular piece of equipment or part, you can advertise that request for only $35.

For either, send your request to us at Superintendents Profile, 494 Cramers Corners Rd., Fort Plain, NY 13339, or e-mail to

We hope you enjoy and benefit from this new monthly feature. Good luck with your searches. P