Editor's Notebook July 2021
Craig Mongeau - July 2021
Oh, thank God and thank you. On Tuesday, June 15, 2021, all COVID-19 restrictions were lifted in New York State. What a momentous day after almost a year-and-a-half of lockdowns, empty restaurants and bars, vacant movie theaters and sports and concert venues, virtual school, job losses and among the worst things, so many grandparents, not being able to visit with their grandchildren.
Due to high numbers of New Yorkers all across the state making the personal decision to receive a vaccination, we have essentially emerged from this nightmare. And the numbers really are that good. As of press time, here were the percentages of people receiving at least one jab in all the regions of New York State: Western New York (69.5); Finger Lakes (69); North Country (63.9); Mohawk Valley (60.6); Southern Tier (68.4); Central New York (70.5); Mid-Hudson (71.9); NYC (68.4); Capital Region (74.4); and Long Island (75.3). All of this totals more than 70 percent of the state 18 and older receiving at least one shot.
If you really think about it, this is an extraordinary achievement: we all know that throughout our proud and independent history in this country, it's hard to get this kind of percentage of people to agree to do virtually anything. Really remarkable. And clearly the vaccines are working. At the peak worst, New York State had a positivity rate of 48.16 percent. Now? It's around 0.4 percent.
So, here we are … thankfully back to mostly pre-pandemic normalcy and with that returns all the stuff we used to do and take for granted. It feels like a victory like we won some great war.
As you know because we announced this news in the June issue, the N.Y.S. Highway & Public Works expo is an absolute go … it'll be held this October 13 at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse. We humbly and enthusiastically invite all of you to celebrate the grand reopening of New York State with your Profile family for the returning big show. Please see page 40 for the Expo floorplan. If you're thinking about exhibiting, please contact Joshua Phillips, whose contact information is on that page. You'll want to act fast … space truly is filling up quickly. We're looking forward to seeing all of you again and helping to introduce you to all the latest in equipment and services that you might have missed over the past year.
Stay tuned for more details in upcoming Superintendent's Profiles as the Expo gets closer to reality. P